Here’s what I’ve been reading on the web!
Saving money is never an easy task, especially when there’s so many fun, yummy and shiny things to buy. But since we don’t all have “daddy’s money” to pay for it all, saving may be the most important part in your plan of getting out of town.
It was obvious in the blogs too, with many good and useful reads coming into the feed this week:
Brian of No Debt World Travel serves up some great tricks on how to make money-saving your modus operandi in 2010.
While Anil, the Fox Nomad, tells you what you really can do without when you’re cruising the savings fast lane.
Michaela at Briefcase to Backpack interviews a married couple who managed to save $100K for their trip, in 2 years! Those guys definitely deserve a listen.
And finally, How to Travel the World has laid down some helpful budget planning advice by giving you realistic per-day info for some of the more popular world travel areas.
In a swift but pleasing topic change, the Fodor’s Travel Blog lays down a list of great festivals to check out this year: My advice, catch the Pushkar Camel Fair. It may be smelly but where else can you get so many humps outside of an Amsterdam brothel? Bah-dum tsh.
Travel Grove gives some SPF-arific choices with their 5 Affordable Beach Destinations post. Hint: they’re not your typical Rio, Maui, Phuket list. Think Croatia and Turkey. Think uncrowded.
And similarly, Cheapest Destinations guru Tim Leffel has some great suggestions on how to get away from the tourist crush all over the world. I’ve never even heard of half these places, which is probably a good thing.
But if the safety of the tourist trail is more your cup of po cha , MSNBC travel has a list of the biggest, best and glitziest, tourist spots and and how to make the most of them.
Traveler and all around smart guy Daniel, one-half of the Two Go RTW duo, tells you how not to be a patsy in a strange and foreign internet café. If you value your identity, you should probably read this one.
And finally, a breath of fresh air. Hmmmm, aaah. Go Backpaking Dave gives you a purely wonderful video: Magical Marrakech. Nuff said.
Thank you bloggers for being so dang helpful. See you next week!